Controller constraints

Controller constraints are defined through annotations. These annotations can be applied at the class level, in which case they are applied to every action within the controller, or on specific action methods.

SubjectPresent and SubjectNotPresent

Sometimes, you don't need fine-grained checked - you just need to see if there is a user present (or not present).

public CompletionStage<Result> someMethodA() {
    // method will execute if the current DeadboltHandler's getSubject returns Some

public CompletionStage<Result> someMethodB() {
    // method will execute if the current DeadboltHandler's getSubject returns None


This uses the Subject's Roles to perform AND/OR/NOT checks. The values given to the builder must match the of the subject's roles.

AND is defined as an @Group, OR is an array of @Group, and NOT is a rolename with a ! preceding it.

public CompletionStage<Result> someMethodA() {
    // method will execute of subject has the "foo" role

@Restrict(@Group("foo", "bar"))
public CompletionStage<Result> someMethodB() {
    // method will execute of subject has the "foo" AND "bar" roles

@Restrict({@Group("foo"), @Group("bar")})
public CompletionStage<Result> someMethodC() {
    // method will execute of subject has the "foo"OR "bar" roles


This uses the Subject's Permissions to perform a variety of checks.

public CompletionStage<Result> someMethodA() {
    // subject must have a permission with the exact value "admin.printer"

@Pattern(value = "(.)*\.printer", patternType = PatternType.REGEX)
public CompletionStage<Result> someMethodB() {
    // subject must have a permission that matches the regular expression (without quotes) "(.)*\.printer"

@Pattern(value = "something arbitrary", patternType = PatternType.CUSTOM)
public CompletionStage<Result> someMethodC() {
    // the checkPermssion method of the current handler's DynamicResourceHandler will be used.  This is a user-defined test

If you want to invert the result, i.e. deny access if there's a match, set the invert attribute to true.

@Pattern(value = "admin.printer", invert = true)
public CompletionStage<Result> someMethodA() {
    // subject with a permission with the exact value "admin.printer" will by denied


The most flexible constraint - this is a completely user-defined constraint that uses DynamicResourceHandler#isAllowed to determine access.

@Dynamic(name = "name of the test")
public CompletionStage<Result> someMethod() {
    // the method will execute if the user-defined test returns true

Using non-default DeadboltHandler implementations

Each annotation has a handlerKey parameter. If you don't specify anything, the default DeadboltHandler will be used. If you want to use another implementation, the value of the handlerKey argument can be anything defined in your HandlerCache. See Integrating Deadbolt for information on how to define this configuration.