Integrating Deadbolt

Implementations of the interface are used to provide Deadbolt with what it needs to satisfy your project's authorization constraints. This interface has 4 primary functions.

  • getSubject gets the current user from, for example, the cache or database
  • beforeAuthCheck run a pre-authorization task that can block further execution
  • onAuthFailure defines behaviour for when authorization requirements are not met
  • getDynamicResourceHandler provides a hook into the dynamic constraint types

If you choose to associate permissions with roles, you should implement the getPermissionsForRole method. This makes it easy to assign permissions when a subject is assigned a role, and can then be used by the RoleBasedPermissions constraint. RoleBasedPermissions requires a subject to have at least one permission that matches at least one of the permissions obtained from getPermissionsForRole. The default implementation of this method returns a completed future containing an empty list.

Authorization success

If you want to know when authorization has succeeded, implement the onAuthSuccess(Http.Context context, String constraintType, ConstraintPoint constraintPoint) method. This method is invoked every time a constraint allows an operation to proceed.

  • context can be used to determine request-specific information
  • constraintType is the name of the constraint, e.g. Dynamic, SubjectPresent, etc
  • constraintPoint indicates where the constraint was applied. Constraints applied using annotations (ConstraintPoint.CONTROLLER) and the routes (ConstraintPoint.FILTER) only occur once per request, but it's possible for multiple authorizations to occur when using template constraints (ConstraintPoint.TEMPLATE). Using constraintPoint to differentiate can improve the performance of your implementation.

Dynamic constraint support

You only need to implement if you're planning to use Dynamic or Pattern.CUSTOM constraints. Dynamic constraints are tests implemented entirely by your code. This interface has two functions:

  • isAllowed is used by the Dynamic constraint
  • checkPermission is used by the Pattern constraint when the pattern type is CUSTOM

Exposing the handler(s)

In order to expose your handler (or handlers - you can have more than one) to Deadbolt, you will need to implement the trait. This implementation needs to

  • Provide a default handler; you can always use a specific handler in a template or controller, but if nothing is specified a well-known instance will be used.
  • Provide a named instance

The simplest possible implementation of HandlerCache only supports one DeadboltHandler, in which case both get and apply always return the same instance.

public class MySimpleHandlerCache implements HandlerCache
    private final DeadboltHandler defaultHandler = new MyDeadboltHandler();

    public DeadboltHandler apply(final String key)
        return defaultHandler;

    public DeadboltHandler get()
        return defaultHandler;

If you need to support multiple handlers, you will need some internal mechanism for differentiating between them based on the key parameter of the apply method..

public class MyHandlerCache implements HandlerCache
    private final DeadboltHandler defaultHandler = new MyDeadboltHandler();
    private final Map<String, DeadboltHandler> handlers = new HashMap<>();

    public MyHandlerCache()
        handlers.put(HandlerKeys.DEFAULT.key, defaultHandler);
        handlers.put(HandlerKeys.ALT.key, new MyAlternativeDeadboltHandler());

    public DeadboltHandler apply(final String key)
        return handlers.get(key);

    public DeadboltHandler get()
        return defaultHandler;

HandlerKeys, in the above example, is just a class declaring constants that standardize handler names; because you can define specific handlers on a per-constraint basis, it makes sense to define them in a well-known place.

Note the use of ConfigKeys.DEFAULT_HANDLER_KEY - this is the default handler key specified by all annotations. In previous versions of Deadbolt, annotation-driven constraints would use HandlerCache#apply(DEFAULT_HANDLER_KEY) to obtain the handler and so the default handler had to be associated with DEFAULT_HANDLER_KEY. As of Deadbolt 2.5.3, this has been improved and any annotation-driven constraint using the default handler key will instead use HandlerCache#get.


public class HandlerNames {

    public static final String DEFAULT = ConfigKeys.DEFAULT_HANDLER_KEY;
    public static final String ALT = "alt-handler";

    private HandlerNames() {}

Finally, expose your handlers to Deadbolt. To do this, you will need to create a small module that binds your handler cache by type...

package com.example.modules

import play.api.Configuration;
import play.api.Environment;
import play.api.inject.Binding;
import play.api.inject.Module;
import scala.collection.Seq;
import security.MyHandlerCache;

import javax.inject.Singleton;

public class CustomDeadboltHook extends Module
    public Seq<Binding<?>> bindings(final Environment environment,
                                    final Configuration configuration)
        return seq(bind(HandlerCache.class).to(MyHandlerCache.class).in(Singleton.class));

...and add it to your application.conf.

play {
    modules {
        enabled += be.objectify.deadbolt.scala.DeadboltModule
        enabled += com.example.modules.CustomDeadboltHook

Injecting handlers into the HandlerCache

In the example handler cache above, the DeadboltHandler instance is created directly within the object. What happens if you want to inject it? Just use the existing dependency injection mechanism.

public class CustomDeadboltHook extends Module
    public Seq<Binding<?>> bindings(final Environment environment,
                                    final Configuration configuration)
        return seq(bind(DeadboltHandler.class).to(MyDeadboltHandler.class).in(Singleton.class),

Your handler cache can now be injected with that instance.

public class MyHandlerCache implements HandlerCache
    private final DeadboltHandler defaultHandler;
    private final Map<String, DeadboltHandler> handlers = new HashMap<>();

    public MyHandlerCache(final DeadboltHandler handler)
        this.defaultHandler = handler;
        handlers.put(HandlerKeys.DEFAULT.key, defaultHandler);
        handlers.put(HandlerKeys.ALT.key, new MyAlternativeDeadboltHandler());

    // ...

But, what happens if you want to have multiple handlers defined and injected? The most flexible mechanism is to qualify the bindings through the use of custom annotations. For the following example, we will have two handler implementations; scaling up to more handlers just follows the same logical process.

This example uses Guice, which is the default DI framework of Play; if you're using a different DI framework, you will need to check how it supports multiple bindings of an interface.

First, create one annotation per handler implementation. These annotations will be annotated with


import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

public class HandlerQualifiers
    @Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.PARAMETER})
    public @interface MainHandler

    @Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.PARAMETER})
    public @interface SomeOtherHandler

You can now use these annotations on their respective handlers.

public class MyDeadboltHandler extends AbstractDeadboltHandler

Create a constructor in your handler cache which accepts the handlers. The parameters use the same annotations to identify which instance will be passed as an argument for that parameter.

public class MyHandlerCache implements HandlerCache
    private final DeadboltHandler handler;

    private final Map<String, DeadboltHandler> handlers = new HashMap<>();

    public MyHandlerCache(@HandlerQualifiers.MainHandler final DeadboltHandler handler,
                          @HandlerQualifiers.SomeOtherHandler final DeadboltHandler otherHandler)
        this.handler = handler;

    public DeadboltHandler apply(final String name)
        return handlers.get(name);

    public DeadboltHandler get()
        return handler;

The final step is to update your bindings to use the qualifiers.

public class CustomDeadboltHook extends Module
    public Seq<Binding<?>> bindings(final Environment environment,
                                    final Configuration configuration)
        return seq(bind(DeadboltHandler.class).qualifiedWith(HandlerQualifiers.MainHandler.class).to(MyDeadboltHandler.class).in(Singleton.class),